Your First Period After A C-section: When & What To Expect (2024)

Congratulations on becoming a new mum! Whatever way you birthed your baby, you may wonder when your first period will arrive and how it might differ from your pre-pregnancy menstrual cycles.

In this blog, we'll explore the timing of your first post-c-section period, what to expect, how it might change after pregnancy, factors that can impact it, and whether you can get pregnant again after a c-section. So, let's snap to it!

When Will I Get My First Period After a C-Section?

After giving birth via a c-section, many women wonder when their menstrual cycle will resume. While every woman is different, your first period after a c-section typically arrives within 6 to 8 weeks after delivery.

Timing can vary based on breastfeeding, hormonal changes, and individual variations.

What Will My Period Be Like After a C-Section?

Your first period after a C-section might be different from your pre-pregnancy periods. It's common to experience changes in the duration, flow, and intensity of your menstrual cycle.

Some women report heavier or lighter bleeding, irregular cycles, or intense cramps. These changes are usually temporary and should normalise over time.

Will my period change after pregnancy?

Yes, pregnancy can have an impact on your menstrual cycle. After giving birth, whether via c-section or vaginal delivery, it's common for your periods to be irregular for a few months.

This is because your body is adjusting to hormonal changes and recovering from pregnancy.

Over time, your menstrual cycle should return to its pre-pregnancy pattern, but it may take a few months to stabilise.

Factors that impact your period after a C-section

Several factors can influence your post-c-section periods. Here are a few key factors to consider:

1. Breastfeeding

If you're exclusively breastfeeding, your periods may be delayed or irregular due to the hormone prolactin, which may suppress ovulation. Your menstrual cycle is likely to resume once you start weaning or introducing solid foods.

2. Hormonal changes

After childbirth, your hormones undergo significant changes. These fluctuations can affect the regularity and characteristics of your periods.

It's essential to give your body time to adjust to these changes.

3. Stress and lifestyle

Stress and the 'newborn' hectic lifestyle can impact your hormonal balance and menstrual cycle. It's essential to prioritise self-care, manage stress levels, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to support your overall well-being, including your menstrual health.

Period or Lochia?

During the first few weeks after a c-section, you might experience postpartum bleeding, known as lochia. Lochia differs from your menstrual period and is a normal part of the healing process after childbirth.

Lochia contains blood, mucous and uterine tissue and typically starts as bright red bleeding and gradually tapers off, changing colour and becoming a lighter flow over a few weeks.

Once the lochia has stopped, you can expect your first period to arrive within a few weeks.

Can You Get Pregnant After a C-Section?

The simple answer is that YES, you can get pregnant. But, many mums experience a time of delayed fertility during breastfeeding.

Some mums refer to this as the Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) of contraception, but be careful because it is not a foolproof or recommended method of preventing another pregnancy.

But hold your horses (or strollers) because the odds of conception right after giving birth are slim because you're unlikely to have much sex. After all, who has the energy to engage in that kind of acrobatics when you're adjusting to life with a newborn and barely catching a wink of sleep?

Listen up, ladies, because things can get interesting sooner than expected. Some women have been known to have conceived as early as three weeks after popping out their little bundle of joy. Yes, you read that right! Even if you're breastfeeding or haven't had a period yet, that doesn't mean it won't happen to you.

Of course, you can rock another pregnancy after a c-section if that is what you desire! But, the recommended time to wait is 12 months before conceiving to avoid any c-section scar issues and allow your body to recover.

Remember, as you embark on your postpartum journey after a c-section, having questions and concerns about your first period is expected. Every woman's experience is unique, and your menstrual cycle may take some time to regulate.

If you have any concerns or notice any unusual changes, don't hesitate to contact your healthcare provider for guidance and support. Enjoy these special moments with your baby, and embrace the changes your body is going through.

You and your baby are amazing! You've got this!

Written By: Midwife Laura