Nervous but Prepared - C-Section Positive Birth Story

Andri and Mo felt scared about having a C-Section birth for their rainbow baby, but due to medically needing a C-Section they decided to get as prepared and educated as possible about what their birth would entail. Using our c-sectionuk Prep, Birth and Recovery Courses and having a couple of one-to-one online sessions with Midwife Vic helped hugely and here they share what they found most useful, as they tell us their birth story of bringing baby Abel into the world.

We had our gorgeous baby boy Abel in September 2023 by C-Section. We have always known that our birthing option would be a C-Section due to previous surgeries on my uterus for fibroids. I think knowing all along the plan made things easier as we could prepare as best we could.

In the past I’d always heard scary stories about C-Section births and so I was nervous and apprehensive. Stumbling upon c-sectionuk honestly saved us.

Throughout the pregnancy I lightly exercised and tried my absolute best to eat well, when nausea allowed. I also took lots of time for self care and my favourite product throughout pregnancy was the Mama Mio Tummy Rub Butter which felt luxurious and prevented me from getting stretch marks. 

As a couple we completed all three of the c-sectionuk C-Section Courses: Prep, Birth and Recovery. As Midwife Vic always says: “Knowledge is power” and for us this is what we needed. The Course Bundle covers everything. Even down to the noises you will hear in theatre, which really helped alleviate our anxieties! 

We were booked in for a C-Section in the 39th week, and oh my goodness I was so nervous that Abel would come early. I ensured I had two one-to-one online sessions with Midwife Vic and we spoke through all eventualities and ran through my concerns. These for me were invaluable as I didn’t feel I had the best support during pregnancy with my local Midwife.

Abel waited until our booked day which was a relief! On the day of our C-Section birth we were in the hospital filming dance videos with bump, and trying to make the morning as positive as possible for us both. We laughed and joked and I have fond memories as we eagerly awaited the arrival of our baby. 

We were last in the queue for morning sections and I actually ended up giving birth at 13:20 so it was a long wait! 

Going into theatre was the scariest part for me as I was so nervous but equally just as excited to be meeting our baby boy. Once we were in theatre everything went so quickly for us. From the needle going in, to me laying on the table, was literally minutes.

We had only been C Breathing for a few cycles and our doctor said ‘Andri and Mo, get ready to meet your baby’. It was made all the more special as we did not know the sex so it was a beautiful surprise! 

Honestly, our C-Section birth was magical and we will forever be grateful for our rainbow boy! 

Have you had a positive C-Section birth that you’d like to submit to our Positive Birth Stories page to help other parents feel more confident? We’d absolutely love to hear from you!

Please click here for info on how to send us your story (and photos from your birth if you're happy to do so!).

Steph Bisson