Overcoming Birth Anxiety - Positive Birth Story

Having experienced health anxiety in the past, Sarah was feeling very anxious about the unpredictability of birth. But once she made the decision to choose a C-Section birth, she felt more safe and in control. here, sarah shares how the Course Bundle further reduced her anxiety by preparing her for exactly what was to come.

I am someone who suffered with anxiety and depression in their early adulthood, particularly health anxiety, and when I fell pregnant, a lot of those anxieties came back. I was anxious something would happen to the baby, anxious about going into labour early, anxious about the unpredictability of labour on the whole, and it became overwhelming. I would find myself thinking about birth and becoming overwhelmed with palpitations. With the support of my partner, I spoke to my community midwife, who was super supportive. She referred me to the perinatal mental health team where I was able to discuss the option of having a C-Section, and whether that felt right for me in terms of my anxieties, which it did. Having the knowledge that my baby was coming via one way only (C-Section) gave me comfort and a feeling of control I was missing.

I felt like a weight had been lifted and felt safe knowing that I was able to make an informed decision with the midwife team, but that didn’t take away the anxieties I had about the surgery and recovery. Thankfully I found c-sectionuk and did the Course Bundle. Learning about the sounds I would hear, how many people to expect and how to control my anxieties during the procedure with the C Breathing, was incredibly beneficial. My partner learnt the C Breathing technique with me and he was able to support me in counting during the procedure. 

I initially felt a sadness as I had planned for skin-to-skin, but during the birth, I didn’t feel ready to have my baby on me. I needed to be focused on my breathing and the overwhelm of emotions I had finding out she was a girl and seeing her for the first time, overpowering my focus. Looking back, I’m so pleased my partner was able to have that time with her whilst I focused on getting ready for our baby. He was able to sit holding her for the first 45 minutes after she was born and that’s something special they’ll always have together. My C-Section was a really positive experience and I can only put that down to the fact I did the c-sectionuk Course Bundle beforehand. I was able to say to myself “that sound is my waters”, and I felt in control. Any questions I had prior to the Course were answered, so I knew walking down to theatre what to expect. Thank you c-sectionuk!
