Unplanned, Calm and Excited - Positive C-Section Birth Story

Although they were not planning on having a c-section, thanks to our courses, Amber and Jason felt prepared, calm and excited when a c-section birth became the best option after unsuccessful inductions.

During my pregnancy, my partner and I signed up to Midwife Vic’s Hypnobirthing course - it was my partner’s third child but my first. His two other children had been planned c-sections and his mother had unfortunately lost his sister at birth when he was young, therefore I wanted us to be prepared for a calm and relatively anxious free delivery.

The course helped do exactly this, it gave both Jason and I the tools to be able to remain calm, make informed decisions on our delivery and keep anxiety levels low. Whilst doing the course, Midwife Vic informed us of her launching c-sectionuk. This was perfect timing as I was currently being monitored due to large growth scans and high blood pressure.

In the back of our minds we had always been prepared that a c-section might be on the cards and after two unsuccessful inductions, and on our third day at the hospital, we made the decision for a c-section the following day.

I spent the afternoon re-watching the amazing online course videos and I can truthfully say I walked into that theatre the next morning excited and calm, fist pumping the surgeon on the way in with a “let’s do this”!

From doing the course I knew what to expect every step of the way during the theatre experience. I was calm, thank to the use of my anchors (lavender pillow) and Hypnobreathing techniques I learnt on the course. I felt reassured due to the detailed information I had received during Hypnobirthing course and the c-sectionuk C-Section Courses, and had a big smile on my face.

With Tina Turner playing in the background (IYKYK) we welcomed our gorgeous little Ralphy Jay into the world!

Have you had a positive c-section birth that you’d like to submit to our Positive Birth Stories page to help other parents feel more confident? We’d absolutely love to hear from you!

Please click here for info on how to send us your story (and photos from your birth if you're happy to do so!).

Steph Bisson