Early but Planned C-Section - Positive Birth Story

Sian planned to have a C-Section even before she was pregnant, but baby Elodie decided to arrive ahead of the planned C-Section date. Sian kindly shares her experience of going into labour and birthing her baby earlier than planned and how the Courses and C Breathing helped her to stay calm and thoroughly enjoy the whole experience!

I was booked in for an elective C-Section on 9th May due to previous sexual abuse trauma requiring a reconstructive operation. I always knew pre-pregnancy that I would want a C-Section and I'm glad I chose that path for me!

On the evening of 27th April, I started to get some tightenings that felt different to braxton hicks. Me being me, and not wanting to bother anyone, I convinced myself that it wasn't labour as I was only 37+3 with my first baby. By 3am on 28th May, they were closer together and seemed like they weren't going away. Then by 10am, I was told to come in for an assessment, which confirmed I was in fact in labour and they brought the emergency doctors down to talk to me. In hindsight, I wish I’d gone in sooner to avoid rushing around, as it was a little stressful. But because the tightenings weren't painful (I got to 4mins apart without pain relief, I just felt uncomfy!) I was sure I wasn't in labour! 

The staff were incredible and explained every step. I found myself suddenly getting panicky at the realisation we were meeting our baby TODAY and we were not going home empty-handed. But thanks to the c-sectionuk Courses, I did some C Breathing with my husband, had a little cry and felt so calm and in control. I was much more able to advocate for myself.

I knew exactly what to expect, and the anaesthetist commented on how good my 'slump' was for the spinal!

The whole surgical team was amazing, and although there were moments my anxiety got the best of me (like during the catheter and shaving) my husband encouraged my C Breathing and I felt much better. All the sensations were the same as in the course so I felt fully prepared. It was really nice to have all the medical professionals explain what would happen and think in my head 'oh yeah, I know that!'

Within 10 minutes, our beautiful Elodie was born and the rest of the op was a blur because I was so focused on her. We had delayed cord clamping, skin-to-skin, kept her vernix, delayed obs checks, full golden hour, and it was quite honestly the best experience of my life.

I'm now a few days postpartum and recovery has been nowhere near as unbearable as I thought. I felt fairly confident, as my job as a sports therapist is to help women recover postpartum, but even more so because the c-sectionuk course reminded me how to sit up in bed as well as things to do to help myself. I feel like every woman should watch this course regardless of the birth they want so they know what's to come if an emergency happens. Hearing other women on the postnatal ward feeling so traumatised by their birth made my heart ache for them considering I had such an opposite experience. In all honesty I would choose a C-Section again in a heartbeat and I feel so blessed to have had such a positive calm experience!
