From Terrified to Overjoyed - Positive Birth Story

Having PTSD from previous trauma and being told she could never get pregnant again, this mum was terrified throughout her pregnancy. When her vaginal birth wasn’t progressing, she was told she needed an emergency c-section for her baby boy, which ended up being an amazing and healing experience. Jade bravely shares her c-section birth story with us.

My name is Jade and earlier this year I had an Emergency C-Section for my baby boy, Chester. When I had my first born, Tyrhys, I suffered the worst pregnancy and I couldn’t enjoy it like I was supposed to. I was abused from my ex-partner, I was only 17 and due to the physical abuse I received, I was told I had a 5% of conceiving ever again. My heart was shattered.

But in August 2022, 7 years after being told this, I found out I was pregnant.

I was an anxious wreck throughout this one for obvious reasons. But when I saw the 12 week scan I saw a very healthy baby! As my pregnancy continued, I suffered with sciatica and my bump was bigger than me! It was so heavy and I honestly struggled. When I saw my Midwife at my 28 week check up, I wanted to be honest with her and I told her I was petrified. She was so understanding because of my past and supported me the whole way through.

From 20 weeks I was told my baby had a bigger head circumference than normal and he had really diddy legs so I had to have continuous scans.

From 29 weeks I started experiencing reduced movements of baby. I was in and out of hospital with the all-clear each time. At 36 weeks I found out he was back-to-back. At this point, I was suffering so bad with my anxiety and pain, and was so scared every time I had to go up there because I didn’t feel him moving. What was an amazing beautiful thing, ended up being the most anxiety-inducing.

That’s when they decided to induce me at 39 weeks. As I came in to have my first sweep, leaving my eldest at home, I was so relieved thinking that my family will soon be complete!

After 24 hours, nothing was happening so I had a second sweep. Unfortunately that one failed also; I was in there for 48 hours and still there was no progress. On the early hours of the next day, my waters broke. I was so scared but I was so excited as this was a step closer to seeing my baby! Unfortunately, as the day continued, nothing was happening. I broke down to the Midwife and I just freaked out about my PTSD. She was so so supportive and due to it nearly being 12 hours since my waters breaking, I was told I needed an emergency C-Section.

I won’t lie, I was absolutely petrified as you hear so many different stories and you get told how painful they can be with the needle going into your back. As I was sitting waiting to go in, I was wondering if I was strong enough. I told the anaesthetist how scared I was and he was absolutely brilliant. The needle in my back was nothing like I was told and I was so emotional I burst into tears. The anaesthetist told me “I heard you love Ed Sheeran”. I said yes and he grabbed his phone before the surgery began and played Ed Sheeran! In what felt like seconds, my beautiful boy was born.

It may sound weird, but I loved that feeling. I loved having my C-Section and I’m so proud of my scar. Recovery wasn’t easy but it’s a reminder how amazing I did and how incredible it felt birthing him. If I had the chance to do that all again, I would in a heartbeat. My boys are my world.

Have you had a positive c-section birth that you’d like to submit to our Positive Birth Stories page to help other parents feel more confident? We’d absolutely love to hear from you!

Please click here for info on how to send us your story (and photos from your birth if you're happy to do so!).

Steph Bisson